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Advertising and production companies, as well as inhouse PR & Marketing departments from all types of companies and industries, are always on the lookout for creative and effective ways to enhance exposure.
In the era of digital transformation, conventional marketing has evolved to marketing innovation and focuses in providing personalized services and products with the consumer in the epicenter, now more than ever.
With the help of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet Of Things (IoT), marketing technics and goals respond to modern consumer expectations and at the same time, become integrated into business processes, whose potential were previously not utilized to the maximum.

In Mobile Technology we chose marketing innovation solutions, able to create new ground-breaking communication channels for brand-consumer interaction, thus transform internal business processes.


Find the right Marketing Innovation product, depending on your your needs: Future Retail Store Experiential Marketing

Check out Related products: Pepper NAO Electronic Shelf Labels  

For more information, please contact one of our representatives.

